
The fluvio run commands are used to directly invoke Fluvio’s cluster components, the Streaming Controller (SC) and Streaming Processing Unit (SPU). For most use-cases, you’ll probably want to use the fluvio cluster commands, which are simpler to use and invoke these runner commands for you. However, if you want to manually administrate your own cluster and have fine-grained control over the components, then you can do so using fluvio run.

Usage: fluvio-run <COMMAND>

  spu       Run a new Streaming Processing Unit (SPU)
  sc        Run a new Streaming Controller (SC)
  metadata  Return plugin metadata as JSON
  version   Print version information
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

fluvio run spu

Directly invokes a Streaming Processing Unit (SPU) from the command line. An SPU has a public server which is used to stream data to and from Fluvio Clients, and a private server which is used to communicate with an SC. Most of the CLI options for the SPU involve configuring these servers. See the SPU Architecture for more details.

Run a new Streaming Processing Unit (SPU)

Usage: fluvio-run spu [OPTIONS]

  -i, --id <integer>
          SPU unique identifier
  -p, --public-server <host:port>
          Spu server for external communication
  -v, --private-server <host:port>
          Spu server for internal cluster communication
      --sc-addr <host:port>
          Address of the SC Server [env: FLV_SC_PRIVATE_HOST=]
      --log-base-dir <dir>
          [env: FLV_LOG_BASE_DIR=]
      --log-size <log size>
          [env: FLV_LOG_SIZE=]
      --index-max-bytes <integer>
          [env: FLV_LOG_INDEX_MAX_BYTES=]
      --index-max-interval-bytes <integer>
      --peer-max-bytes <integer>
          max bytes to transfer between leader and follower [env: FLV_PEER_MAX_BYTES=] [default: 1000000]
      --smart-engine-max-memory <integer>
          enable tls
      --server-cert <SERVER_CERT>
          TLS: path to server certificate
      --server-key <SERVER_KEY>
          TLS: path to server private key
          TLS: enable client cert
      --ca-cert <CA_CERT>
          TLS: path to ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
      --bind-non-tls-public <BIND_NON_TLS_PUBLIC>
          TLS: address of non tls public service, required
  -h, --help
          Print help

fluvio run sc

Directly invoke a Streaming Controller (SC) from the command line. An SC hosts a public server for interacting with clients, and a private server for interacting with SPUs and other cluster components. Most of the CLI options for the SC involve configuring these servers. See the SC Architecture for more details.

Run a new Streaming Controller (SC)

Usage: fluvio-run sc [OPTIONS] <--local <metadata path>|--k8|--read-only <READ_ONLY>>

      --local <metadata path>
          run in local mode
          run on k8
      --bind-public <BIND_PUBLIC>
          Address for external service
      --bind-private <BIND_PRIVATE>
          Address for internal service
  -n, --namespace <namespace>
          enable tls
      --server-cert <SERVER_CERT>
          TLS: path to server certificate
      --server-key <SERVER_KEY>
          TLS: path to server private key
          TLS: enable client cert
      --ca-cert <CA_CERT>
          TLS: path to ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
      --bind-non-tls-public <BIND_NON_TLS_PUBLIC>
          TLS: address of non tls public service, required
      --secret-name <SECRET_NAME>
          Secret name used while adding to kubernetes
      --authorization-scopes <authorization scopes path>
          [env: X509_AUTH_SCOPES=]
      --authorization-policy <authorization policy path>
          [env: AUTH_POLICY=]
      --white-list <WHITE_LIST>
          only allow white list of controllers
  -h, --help
          Print help

fluvio run metadata

Return plugin metadata as JSON

Usage: fluvio-run metadata

  -h, --help  Print help



fluvio run version

Print version information

Usage: fluvio-run version

  -h, --help  Print help