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Version: sdf-beta2

sdf deploy

The sdf deploy command executes a dataflow in the worker.

After provisioning, the command enters an interactive shell that allows you to interact with the dataflow.

sdf deploy command

The deploy command has several options:

$ sdf deploy -h
Run dataflow (requires: dataflow.yaml)

Usage: sdf deploy [OPTIONS]

Start Development Studio [env: UI=]
-p, --port <PORT>
Port for web server to listen on [env: PORT=] [default: 8000]
-e, --env <ENV_LIST>
(Optional) environment variables to be passed to each operator They should be
passed using key=value format Eg. sdf run -e foo=bar -e key=value -e one=1

--timeout <TIMEOUT>
timeout in seconds [env: TIMEOUT=] [default: 60]


  • --ui starts graphical representation of the project in a web browser. The default port is 8000.
  • --port sets the port for the web server to listen on
  • --env sets environment variables to be passed to operators
  • --skip-dataflow skips deploying the dataflow in the current directory.

Once deployment is complete, the deploy command opens interactive shell to worker.

deploy interactive shell

The interactive shell allows you to look-up runtime objects, such as stat

>> help
SDF - Stateful Dataflow

Usage: <COMMAND>

show Show or List states. Use `show state --help` for more info
exit Stop interactive session
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

show state

Show states or show state for given namespace and key.

>> show state -h
List all states or show state for given key

Usage: show state [OPTIONS] [NAMESPACE]

[NAMESPACE] namespace of state

--key <KEY> key of state
--filter <FILTER> filter regex


  • --key and --filter refines the result.

Managing dataflow in interactive shell

Please see the deployment section for more details.