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Version: 0.16.1 (stable)

fluvio benchmark

Produce benchmark

This command is used to benchmark the performance of Fluvio by producing records to a topic.

Example usage

$ fluvio benchmark produce

The following options can be used with the fluvio benchmark produce command along with their default values:

-b, --batch-size <bytes>
Size of each batch [default: 16kib]
-q, --queue-size <QUEUE_SIZE>
Number of records to send [default: 100]
--max-request-size <bytes>
Maximum size of a request [default: 32mib]
-l, --linger <LINGER>
Time to wait for new records [default: 0ms]
--server-timeout <SERVER_TIMEOUT>
Timeout for the server [default: 5000ms]
-c, --compression <COMPRESSION>
Compression algorithm to use [default: none]
--num-samples <NUM_SAMPLES>
Number of samples to take [default: 3]
--time-between-samples <TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES>
Time between each sample [default: 250ms]
--worker-timeout <WORKER_TIMEOUT>
Timeout for each worker [default: 3000s]
--record-key-allocation-strategy <RECORD_KEY_ALLOCATION_STRATEGY>
Strategy for allocating record keys [default: no-key] [possible values: no-key, all-share-same-key, producer-worker-unique-key, random-key]
--num-producers <NUM_PRODUCERS>
Number of producers that will send records [default: 1]
--num-records <NUM_RECORDS>
Number of records each producer will send [default: 10000]
--record-size <bytes>
Size of each record in bytes [default: 5kib]
-p, --partitions <PARTITIONS>
Number of partitions for the topic [default: 1]
-r, --replicas <REPLICAS>
Number of replicas for the topic [default: 1]
-t, --topic-name <TOPIC_NAME>
Name of the topic to create [default: benchmark-hn1oyqczaf]
-k, --keep-topic
Keep the topic after the benchmark
Ignore rack assignment
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')

Matrix benchmark

It runs multiple benchmarks sequentially and displays the results of each benchmark configuration.

You can also pass a configuration file to customize the benchmark matrix using the --config option:

Example usage

$ fluvio benchmark matrix --config matrix.yaml

The fluvio benchmark command is an alias for fluvio benchmark matrix:

Example usage

$ fluvio benchmark

Check out the batching concept page for more details about batching parameters.