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Version: 0.16.1 (stable)

Example with a SmartModule

This is a 3 part example:

Python Script that uses a SmartModule

Create a file called

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from datetime import datetime
from fluvio import Fluvio, Offset, ConsumerConfig

TOPIC_NAME = "hello-python-smartmodule"

# This is an example of a basic Fluvio workflow in Python
# 1. Create a topic to store data in via CLI
# 2. Establish a connection to the Fluvio cluster
# 3. Create a producer and send some bytes
# 4. Create a consumer, and stream the data back
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Currently the Python client does not support creating topics
# Using the Fluvio CLI
os.popen("fluvio topic create {}".format(TOPIC_NAME))

# Connect to cluster
fluvio = Fluvio.connect()

# Produce to topic
producer = fluvio.topic_producer(TOPIC_NAME)
producer.send_string("Hello World! - Time is: {}".format(

# Consume from topic
# We're just going to get the last record
consumer = fluvio.partition_consumer(TOPIC_NAME, PARTITION)

# Create a ConsumerConfig using your "uppercase" smartmodule
config = ConsumerConfig()

for record in consumer.stream_with_config(Offset.from_end(0), config):

Test Python Script

Read to test the script:

$ python
HELLO WORLD! - TIME IS: 2024-08-25 21:04:51.172045