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Version: 0.14.0 (stable)


The fluvio cloud connector subcommands are used to manage Connectors in InfinyOn Cloud.

$ fluvio cloud connector -h
View Fluvio Connector information
    fluvio-cloud connector <SUBCOMMAND>
    -h, --help    Print help information
    config    Show the connector configuration details
    create    Create a new Connector
    delete    Delete a Connector
    help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list      List all Connectors
    logs      View connector logs
    update    Update and restart a Connector

-> For more info about using connectors, see the Connectors page. The available connector types are listed under the Inbound and Outbound sections.

fluvio cloud connector create

This command is used to provision a new connector.

$ fluvio cloud connector create -h
fluvio cloud connector create
Create a new Connector

Usage: fluvio cloud connector create [OPTIONS] --config <CONFIG>

      --config <CONFIG>        Path to config file
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>  Sets the log level, one of (error, warn, info, debug, trace)
  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>      Name of cluster
  -h, --help                   Print help

To create a connector, you need to create a YAML-based connector config file.

For more about the connector config file, see the Cloud connectors page.

When running fluvio cloud connector create, pass the path to this file using the --config option.

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud connector create --config=./cats.yaml
connector "cat-facts" (http-source) created

fluvio cloud connector config

Command to show the configuration file used to create this connector.

$ fluvio cloud connector config -h
Show the connector configuration details
    fluvio-cloud connector config [OPTIONS] <NAME>
    <NAME>    Name of connector
    -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster
    -h, --help               Print help information

Example usage:

apiVersion: 0.1.0
 version: x.y.z
 name: cat-facts
 type: http-source
 topic: cat-facts
 endpoint: ""
 interval: 10s

All versions are marked with x.y.z. To find the latest version, run:

  • fluvio hub connector list
  • fluvio hub smartmodule list

fluvio cloud connector list

This command show you all the existing Connectors in your cluster.

$ fluvio cloud connector list -h
List all Connectors
    fluvio-cloud connector list [OPTIONS]
    -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

fluvio cloud connector update

Command to update and restart an existing connector.

$ fluvio cloud connector update -h
fluvio cloud connector update
Update and restart a Connector

Usage: fluvio-cloud connector update [OPTIONS] --config <CONFIG>

  -c, --config <CONFIG>        Name of connector
      --cluster <CLUSTER>      Name of cluster
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>  Sets the log level [default: LogLevel::default()]

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud connector update --config=./cats.yaml
connector "cat-facts" (http-source) updated

fluvio cloud connector logs

Command to view the logs written by the connector.

$  fluvio cloud connector logs -h
View connector logs
    fluvio-cloud connector logs [OPTIONS] <NAME>
    <NAME>    Name of connector
    -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud connector logs cat-facts
2022-10-21T14:55:13.508989Z  INFO http_source: Starting HTTP source connector connector_version="0.4.1" git_hash="0ad913c5ceb732881fd753874e5082777bbed91e"
2022-10-21T14:55:13.509096Z  INFO http_source: interval=10s method=GET topic=cat-facts output_parts=body output_type=text endpoint=
2022-10-21T14:55:13.510284Z  INFO fluvio::config::tls: Using verified TLS with certificates from paths domain=""
2022-10-21T14:55:13.515459Z  INFO fluvio::fluvio: Connecting to Fluvio cluster fluvio_crate_version="0.14.0" fluvio_git_hash="e96d8e2738ee39ddbb64fea37134f119f97e25bf"
2022-10-21T14:55:13.574584Z  INFO connect: fluvio::sockets: connect to socket add=fluvio-sc-public:9003

Configure Logging Levels

By default connectors will log using the info level. You can configure the log level for connectors running in the cloud using the --log-level option.

The --log-level option is available for both, fluvio cloud connector <create | update>.

Any of the following levels can be used:

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • trace

fluvio cloud connector delete

This command deletes an existing Connector.

$ fluvio cloud connector delete -h
Delete a Connector
    fluvio-cloud connector delete [OPTIONS] <name>...
    <name>...    One or more name(s) of the connector(s) to be deleted
    -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud connector delete cat-facts
connector "cat-facts" deleted
